Your Guide for Business & Leisure Travel Experience in South & East Serbia

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Christmas is the most joyous holiday of Christians. It is a time of welfare and peace. 

Orthodox Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ on January 7th, according to the Julian calendar.

The richness and diversity of a nation and its culture are maybe the best reflected in its traditional clothing. Apart from the recognizable and emotionally colored dialect, almost every village in Serbia also has specific details on the costume, which indicate its uniqueness.

When you hear laughter and shouts of people coming from someone's home in Serbia, you will know that they celebrate "Slava" - family saint patron's day.

Have you ever stood speechless, amazed, at the majesty of those great, motionless giants of nature - the mountains? 

The legend of the Serbian Romeo and Juliet is a story that every man from Vranje would proudly tell you. A historical story testifies to the relationship between the Turks and the local Serbs, is also a story dedicated to great love.
