Your Guide for Business & Leisure Travel Experience in South & East Serbia



Have you ever stood speechless, amazed, at the majesty of those great, motionless giants of nature - the mountains? Have you ever felt the cold breeze on your cheeks, carrying snow from distant peaks, or seen the first rays of the sun during the early dawn scatter shadows on the landscape while the sun rises in the heights? Have you ever almost stumbled from exhaustion but at the same time radiated joy and positive energy because you have reached the top of the mountain?


One of the good things that the pandemic has stimulated is the growing number of people seeking escape in nature. Whether you are an experienced hiker or a recreational adventurer, every trip to the mountains requires a specific type of preparation. It often happens that due to ignorance, less pleasant situations happen during hiking. That is why it is essential to collect all the information, research and plan the route well, also carry with you all necessary equipment that can help bring you back with only good memories from adventure. We suggest you never go to the mountains alone or without a professional guide.

Photo: PSK Mosor

What equipment to take to avoid injuries during hiking?

  •   The first-aid kit, instructions, and the essential medicines.
  •   To navigate through space easily, it is necessary to have a compass or a map and a GPS device, with which you can see locations of the water sources, resorts, or houses.
  •   Hikers use a significant amount of energy, so it is vital to bring enough water and food to regain strength.
  •   While mild injuries such as blisters and scratches are almost inevitable, you can avoid sprains and strains with proper preparation, which includes warming up before hiking in the form of stretching exercises and slow walking.
  •   It happens, however, that no matter how much you plan, you can't control some aspects. Such is the case with the weather. For this reason, we suggest you bring spare clothes and waterproof shoes. The hiking boots are firm, protect the ankle, providing support and good adhesion to the ground.
  •   Very important is to leave the hiking route clean behind. So please bring a garbage bag with you, and point out to your companions to dispose of waste properly.
  •   Last but not least, the further necessary equipment is a sleeping bag, sunscreen, glasses, a camera, but also a good mood, which will certainly not be lacking while enjoying the impressive riches of nature with friends.

Now that you have these hiking guidelines, it's time to embark on an adventure and explore the landscape of Suva Mountain.

Photo: PSK Mosor

Even the great Serbian geographer and researcher, Jovan Cvijić, was charmed with Suva mountain. Its vertical sides on the north extend so high that it seems like they slice off from the main ridge, which is why they associated Cvijić with the European giant, so he gave the mountain the nickname "The Alps in southern Serbia". At first glance, dry and harsh mount, but it is full of life and diversity when you get to know it better. This reserve is a genuine paradise for adventurers, extreme athletes, alpinists, experienced mountaineers, and recreationists, as well as all lovers of intact nature. According to the Law of Nature Conservation of Serbia, the area of Suva mountain has been declared a Special Nature Reserve. It got its name, Suva Mountain (eng. dry mountain) because of the lack of water sources at higher altitudes.

Many trails lead to the highest peak, Trem (1810 abv), the most famous ones through the excursion site Bojana's waters and Bela Palanka... Often,  organized tours lead to Trem (1810 m), Sokolov Kamen (eng. Falken stone) (1523 abv), and Mosor (984 m), but also along the entire ridge of Suva Mountain.

Photo: PSK Mosor

One of the advantages is that Niš Spa leans on this mountain, so you can extend your hiking in its healing thermal mineral springs, in which the famous Emperor Constantine the Great, Serbian kings Milan and Alexander  Obrenović, and the king Alexander Karadjordjevic enjoyed too. 

Photo: The Health Institute Radon, the pool with thermal mineral water

The wellness and spa center Sense, located in the health institute Radon offers several treatments, such as relaxing and anti-stress oil massage,  whirlpool tubs, jacuzzi, sauna, and a swimming pool with thermal mineral water. This place is ideal for relaxation after hiking.

Therefore, leave behind worries and problems, and indulge in the charms of the Serbian counterpart in the European Alps.