Join us for a journey with Bleisure DMC, and Tourism Organization of Niš at Try Before You Buy 2024 by Conventa in Niš. Explore MICE service providers from March 28-30th for expertise in event planning and destination management.
Bleisure DMC is thrilled to announce its participation at the upcoming second edition of the Try Before You Buy 2024 event scheduled to take place at the Tami Resort Hotel in Niš from March 28-30th. Launched by a widely recognized Conventa trade show, Try Before You Buy features a unique concept that showcases the best MICE destinations to event organizers. It combines the opportunity to experience various programs with networking opportunities to meet suppliers and hosted buyers in a two-day event.
As a hosted buyer 2 times over, and exhibitor this year at Conventa, Bleisure DMC appreciates being given the opportunity to serve as the host agency and one of the exhibitors for Try Before You Buy 2024 as well as partner with the Tourist Organization of Niš recognizing the profound impact on MICE industry in Niš. Collaborating with the Tourist Organization of Niš which has opened its Convention Bureau to support the MICE industry by establishing contacts with service providers and promoting Niš and southeastern Serbia’s region in international markets, Bleisure DMC has recognized the substantial impact of partnering with events like Try Before You Buy. Events of this kind represent an invaluable asset for promoting both Niš and South and East Serbia region as alluring MICE destinations, highlighting its considerable MICE potential.

In view of that, Bleisure DMC has decided to contribute to the event by participating in the organization of Tour 1: Experience Niš – Unveiling the Secrets of the Past and Culinary Chronicles. Being delighted to have prospects to meet you at the Try Before You Buy event on March 29th, we would be pleased to provide additional details about Tour 1 and showcase our offering to your business.
In case you are interested in the Try Before You Buy 2024 agenda, and you haven't booked an appointment yet, you can do so by visiting the link for more details. Additionally, we are excited to announce that Bleisure DMC will be participating as an exhibitor in the one-to-one meetings during the event. These meetings will take place on March 30th, providing an excellent opportunity for us to engage with hosted buyers, hear their preferences, and offer further insight into the enchanting city of Niš.